Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Make a Difference Day at U of A

It's Pledge Active Retreat Time Again!!!

OFFICER MEETINGS Happening This Week:

Fellowship Meeting - Wed., Oct. 13th @ 6pm, RSO Tables
Field Day Meeting - Wed., Oct. 13th @ 6:30pm, RSO Tables
Exec Meeting - Wed., Oct. 13th @ 7:30pm,
ARKU 401
Service Meeting - Thursday, Oct. 14th @ 4:30pm, RSO Tables
Scouting U. Meeting - Thursday, Oct. 14th @ 5:30pm,
RSO Tables

SERVICE Opportunities Happening This Week:

- RSO Involvement Fair -
Union Connections Lounge
Wednesday, Oct. 13th
11:00am - 1:00pm

Come represent APO alongside 31 other RSO's on campus, all promoting student organizations here at the U of A! Questions? Contact event coordinator, Michael McAllister, at 479.575.5255 or via e-mail at mrmcalli@uark.edu.

Also, you can contact the Chair for this Project,
Nick Blackshear at nblacksh@uark.edu

- Homecoming Parade Info Session -
Alumni House
Wednesday, Oct. 13th
4:00pm - 5:00pm

This is a general volunteer informational meeting for anyone who wants to help with the Homecoming Parade.

- IMPACT Webinar: Workshop Development -
Wednesday, Oct. 13th
8:00pm CST

Alpha Phi Omega continually strives to develop better leaders within individual chapters of the fraternity. The Webinar IMPACT Series develops key skills that are particularly advantageous for anyone seeking an officer position the following semester.

Workshop Development Webinar Description:

Have you ever been asked to create a workshop and not known where to start? Have you ever been asked to present a workshop 10 minutes before it started? This workshop will answer these and other questions about how to develop a workshop.

Pledge Active Retreat Service Projects

- Gulley Park Clean-Up -
(Gulley Park is located at 850 E. Township St.)
Friday, October 15th
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Questions? Contact Chairs Aly Servies or Lana Hackler.
alyssadiane2@gmail.com OR lhackler@uark.edu

- Trick or Treat for Cans Bag Stapling Project
Rolling Hills Baptist Church

Friday, Oct. 15th

(During Sleepover)

Questions? Contact Abby Brumfield
at abrumfie@uark.edu

- Make a Difference Day 2010 -
Various Locations, Meet @ the Union
Saturday, October 16th
9:00am - 1:00pm

Make A Difference Day (MADD) is a national day of service sponsored by USA Weekend magazine and the Hands on Network/Points of Light Foundation. The University of Arkansas Center for Leadership and Community Engagement participates by developing projects in cooperation with local non-profit agencies, schools and city parks MADD engages over 400 students each year in service projects that provide much needed assistance to the community.

- Crohn's & Colitis Walk -
Downtown Bentonville
Saturday, Oct. 16th
Meet @ 4:30pm

We have already achieved so much but there is much left to do! The health of our economy has improved, but unfortunately, the health of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients is uncertain. The Crohn's and colitis community in Arkansas is committed to continue awareness and fundraising efforts because we need to find better therapies and ultimately a cure for our friends and neighbors who struggle daily with these terrible digestive diseases.

Event Contact: Kristin Trulock
Phone: 501-590-8948
E-mail: ktrulock@ccfa.org

FELLOWSHIPS Happening This Week:

- University Programs: Stand Up Comedian Butch Bradley - Union Ballroom Wednesday, Oct. 13th 9:00pm - 10:00pm

As Seen on Comedy Central and the "Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson," stand-up comedian, Butch Bradley will be performing this Wednesday. Come out and enjoy this UP event with your APO brothers.

Pledge Active Retreat Fellowships

- Field Day Fellowship -
Gulley Park

Friday, Oct. 15th

4:00pm (after Park Clean-Up)

Fellowship Chairs: Wes Barrows, Brett Hiller, and Bruce Drebenstedt
wbarrows@uark.edu, bhiller@uark.edu, bdrebens@uark.edu

- Pledge Active Retreat Sleepover -
Rolling Hills Baptist Church
1400 Rolling Hills Drive, Fayetteville
Friday, Oct. 15th - Saturday, Oct. 16th
9:00pm - 9:00am

Breakfast will be provided courtesy of Hershel Hartford, Beta Rho Advisor. Yay!!!

- Station Cafe Fellowship -
Station Cafe Restaurant
Downtown Bentonville Square
Saturday, Oct. 16th
6:30pm (after Crohn's Walk)

- In Leadership, Friendship, and Service -

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