Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alpha Phi Omega RBK

Root-Beer Kegger Fall 2009 Semester.

There was a great show of people!

Doug Murray, photography extraordinaire. 

Why yes, I am a fan of Tammy Lippert!
A photographer capturing another photographer, it's a magical thing. 

We love APO!

Work it Laura!
John flaunting his shirt, recruiting potential pledges.

Jacob reppin' APO at the RBK.

Some of the ladies hanging out.

    Aaron Weaver, our Fall 09 president!

Just for risk management sake, I will again say we were having a ROOT-BEER Kegger and playing ROOT-BEER PONG.
There was so much rootbeer to go around, there was even a RBK II.

1 comment:

  1. Brothers,
    It looks like you are off to a wonderful semester! I cant believe how many people were at RBK! That is amazing and I am sure it will pay off with a wonderful, amazing and huge pledge class. Keep up the great work and have fun. Cant wait to see you guys in the spring!

