Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the mood for spooking and service!

Hello everybody! I can't believe we are in the middle of October already! Besides the Halloween spirit, we have some great service opportunities to look forward to this month!

October 15th @ 5:30- Trick Or Treat For Cans Stapling at RSO tables

October 17th- Camp Compassion

October 17-Make A Difference Day; on campus and community

October 18th- World Garden Feed

October 19th- Become a continuous conversational partner for a Foreign exchange student


October 23rd- TOTFC Bag Distribution meet at Staple "Corner of Stadium and Maple"

October 24th- Dog Walking

October 24th - Fall Club Aventure

October 24th 6:30-9:30pm Devil's Den Hay Ride

October 25th Clean up

October 29th 8:30-5:00pm- Mass Flu Clinic at Drake Field

October 30th 6pm- Help Holcomb elementary with their fall festival

October 31st- Pick up cans from TOTFC for Ozark Food Bank

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alpha Phi Omega RBK

Root-Beer Kegger Fall 2009 Semester.

There was a great show of people!

Doug Murray, photography extraordinaire. 

Why yes, I am a fan of Tammy Lippert!
A photographer capturing another photographer, it's a magical thing. 

We love APO!

Work it Laura!
John flaunting his shirt, recruiting potential pledges.

Jacob reppin' APO at the RBK.

Some of the ladies hanging out.

    Aaron Weaver, our Fall 09 president!

Just for risk management sake, I will again say we were having a ROOT-BEER Kegger and playing ROOT-BEER PONG.
There was so much rootbeer to go around, there was even a RBK II.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We have Fellowship-related activities EVERY DAY this week! Yay for Friendship!

Tuesday, September 8 @ 7:30pm- Root Beer Kegger in the Pomfret Great Hall

Wednesday, September 9@ 9:25- APO at the Movies we are seeing '9'

Thursday , September 10- There will be a short Fellowship Meeting following the park clean-up

Friday, September 11 @ 5pm- Volleyball in Gulley Park

Saturday, September 12 @ 1pm- Cookout at Aaron's House

Sunday, September 13- After Chapter Dinner, location TBA

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chapter ran smoothly tonight. Thanks to everyone who showed up! For those of you who couldn't make it we look forward to seeing you next MONDAY NIGHT @ 8PM. (Labor Day).

Here are some upcoming events to mark in your calendar:

Monday 8/31- 
10am-5pm Come support the Blood Drive @ Alltel Ball Room, if you donate you get 1 service hour!
5pm- Meet @ RZ's in the Union if you want to help take down the table tents!

7pm--BYOTS (Bring Your Own T-Shirt) We are making Tie Dye shirts for rush @ Aaron's 

8pm--Service Meeting following same location

Tuesday 9/1-
10am-5pm  Donate to the Bloodmobile for 1 service hour

Wednesday 9/2-
9am-1pm Come support the Blood Drive @ Alltel Ball Room, if you donate you get 1 service hour!
6pm- Exec. Meeting, location TBA

7pm- Rush Game Night, location TBA

Thursday 9/3-
6pm- Fellowship meeting 

Here's to a great year...

First Chapter of the Fall 09 semester! 