Monday, August 30, 2010

RUSH Begins This Week!!!

Way to stay classy, Fall 2010 Exec. Well done.
Officer Meetings Happening this WEEK:

Historical Committee - Tuesday @ 11am, RSO Tables in the Union
Service Meeting - Wednesday @4pm, RSO Tables in the Union
EXEC - Wednesday @ 8:15pm, RSO Tables in the Union

- Fall 2010 APO Beta Rho Rush is Officially Here!

RUSH Events Happening this WEEK:

RBK 1 - Wednesday from 6pm-8pm in Futrall Basement
Info Meeting 1 - Thursday from 5pm-5:30pm in WCOB 203

*BIG BROTHERS must attend at least 3 RUSH EVENTS
*REMEMBER to wear your Beta Rho T-Shirts for APO RUSH!!!

Baked Treats for any of our RBK's = 1 Extra Service HR


Save the Date, People!!!

SERVICE Opportunities Happening this WEEK:
Blood Drive All Week with the CBC
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Meet in Union Ball Room
Thursday & Friday - Meet in Humphreys


September 16th - Pomfret Honors Service Fair Booth
5pm-6:30pm in Pomfret Great Room

Please let Mauldo know of any other service projects going on that you would like for APO to take part in this semester! E-mail him at:

*REMINDER: All RUSH Events = Service Hours
*Also...RECORD all hours in the SERVICE NOTEBOOK!!!

FELLOWSHIPS Happening this WEEK:

RBK - Wednesday from 6pm-8pm in FUTRALL Basement

FNL @ the FAIR! - Friday from 9pm-12am
(Meet at 8:30 in Union to catch bus over to Fair together)

AR vs. Tenn. Tech - Saturday 4pm-6pm, Meet @ Pomfret
(Meet along Stadium Dr. side & we'll walk over together)


LEADERSHIP Opportunities:

Chairs Still Needed Include >>>
Banquet/Awards Co-Chair
Nom Com Chair
Retention Chair
Scouting U. Co-Chair

Appointed Chairs for Fall 2010 Semester:

Ad/PR Chair - Juan Holmes
Alumni Relations Chair - Aimee Tackett

Banquet & Awards Chair - Marinna Wessinger
Big Brother Chair - Marinna Wessinger
Fundraising Chair - Lana Hackler
Iron Chef Chair - Wes Barrows
Newsletter Editor/Photographer - Jacob Smith
PNO Chair - Anum Rasheed
Rush Chairs - Laura Sharp & Brian Guard
Scouting U. Co-Chair - Eileen Richards
Sergeant at Arms - Thomas Rembert
Sunshine Chair - Abby Brumfield
Technology Chair - Bruce Drebenstedt
Trick-or-Treat for Cans Chair - Abby Brumfield
Tutors for Tibet - Alyssa Servies

Congratulations to all of our newly Appointed Chairs!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

FALL is BACK... and so is BETA RHO!!!

We wish everyone a WONDERFUL FALL 2010 SEMESTER
here at the University of Arkansas!

* * * upcoming chapter fellowship * * *

WHEN: Thursday, August 26th @ 4pm
WHERE: The Orange Mango on Dickson St.
WHAT: Find out what everybody did over the summer
and cool off with a tasty treat!

Need More Information about the FELLOWSHIP location?
Here is their facebook page >>>

* * * upcoming chapter meeting * * *

: Sunday, August 29th @7pm
WHERE: WCOB, Room 116 (Chapter Room)

WHAT: First Meeting of the Semester with LOTS to discuss!!!

- Meet Your New Executive Officers for FALL 2010 -

Left to Right: Emily Nevala, President; Megan Fulmer, Pledge Trainer; Steven Maulden, VP of Service; Andrew Tackett, Treasurer; Matt Meyers, Fellowship Coordinator; Caleb Gray, Historian; and Kristin Gangluff, VP of Membership


Congrats to our New Actives from Spring 2010 PC 41!!!


Enjoy your first week of classes!
May your schedules be light, and professors be helpful!

- In Leadership, Friendship, and Service -