Monday, March 1, 2010

In Like an Alligator...

This week is very important.  Why?  We are glad you asked.

March 6 is SCOUTING UNIVERSITY.  From the wee hours of the morning into the evening the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega Beta Rho will be helping upwards of 900 boy and girl scouts earn merit badges and have a rockin' time doing it.

Other Service:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Fayetteville Health and Rehabilitation Nursing Home
-at 2:30, brothers will be assisting visually impaired residents at the nursing home play       bingo!


Tuesday March 2 - Maggie Moos Fellowship/Fellowship Meeting :) @ 5pm
Thursday March 4 - Coffee Night at RZ's @5pm

Cant wait to see you at Scouting U!